
DOT Launches Inquiry Into Rewards Programs of 4 Airlines
DOT Launches Inquiry Into Rewards Programs of 4 Airlines
September 05, 2024  |  Loyalty & Rewards

The Department of Transportation (DOT) has launched an inquiry into the rewards programs of the four largest U.S. airlines, saying it aims to protect customers from...

Airlines Sue DOT Over New Fee Disclosure Rules
Airlines Sue DOT Over New Fee Disclosure Rules
May 13, 2024  |  Legal

Airlines are reportedly suing the U.S. Transportation Department (DOT) over new fee rules. The suit was filed in federal court last week by industry group Airlines for America, Reuters reported...

DOT: Airlines Must Automatically Refund Canceled Flights
DOT: Airlines Must Automatically Refund Canceled Flights
April 24, 2024  |  Travel Payments

Airlines must automatically refund travelers for canceled flights under a new Department of Transportation rule. This rule, announced Wednesday (April 24) is designed to make it easier for passengers...

Traveler Complaints Prompt DOT To Remind Airlines Of Refund Rules
Traveler Complaints Prompt DOT To Remind Airlines Of Refund Rules
May 12, 2020  |  Travel Payments

As thousands of complaints about airlines flood the Department of Transportation (DOT), the department is issuing a warning to airlines: Don’t renege on obligations. According...

Revving The Engine For Digital Licenses
Revving The Engine For Digital Licenses
January 25, 2018  |  Innovation

There’s a road — literally — from analog to digital. Think stamped metal translated into bits and bytes, helping to transform a part of the auto industry...

Alexa Logs 15,000 Skills, Jumping from February’s 10,000 Tally
Alexa Logs 15,000 Skills, Jumping from February’s 10,000 Tally
July 05, 2017  |  Voice Activation

The voice-powered applications offered through Alexa now number more than 15,000 skills, reports TechCrunch, up from 10,000 in February.  That latter number, in turn, stood...