
Tech for Good: Boosting Nonprofit Success With Digital Payments and Subscription Models
Tech for Good: Boosting Nonprofit Success With Digital Payments and Subscription Models
September 05, 2024  |  Digital Payments

When it comes to payments, no one gets a hall pass. Not even a nonprofit gets one. In fact, the world of charitable giving offers...

3 Big Ideas From the PYMNTS Visa SMBTV Series
3 Big Ideas From the PYMNTS Visa SMBTV Series
July 26, 2024  |  VISA

In the digital marketplace, the effortless nature of eCommerce transactions masks a complex network of systems designed to ensure a smooth customer experience. While consumers...

Visa: Behind-the-Scenes Collaboration Needed to Create eCommerce ‘Magic’ for Small Businesses
Visa: Behind-the-Scenes Collaboration Needed to Create eCommerce ‘Magic’ for Small Businesses
March 21, 2024  |  SMBs

On the face of it, eCommerce has all the hallmarks of magic, especially for small to medium-sized businesses. Imagine: You’re out to lunch with a...

Merchants Using In-House Systems Miss 10% of Family Fraud Instances
Merchants Using In-House Systems Miss 10% of Family Fraud Instances
June 12, 2023  |  Fraud Prevention

Fraud is often hard to identify and resolve, and expensive, especially for large merchants using in-house solutions where fraudulent transaction dispute losses can total as...

‘Self-Service’ Dispute Management Saves Merchants Time, Money — and Keeps Consumers Happy
‘Self-Service’ Dispute Management Saves Merchants Time, Money — and Keeps Consumers Happy
October 07, 2022  |  Credit Cards

To err is human. To be confused about what’s on one’s credit card statements — mistaking legit transactions for something fishy — well, that’s human,...

44% of Disputed Credit Card Transactions Stem From Consumers
44% of Disputed Credit Card Transactions Stem From Consumers
October 05, 2022  |  Credit Cards

Unhappy — or simply confused — consumers can upend merchants and other enterprises’ top lines when they opt to dispute card transactions. Processing errors can...

Why Small Businesses Outperform Larger Rivals in Preventing Disputes
Why Small Businesses Outperform Larger Rivals in Preventing Disputes
September 27, 2022  |  Fraud Prevention

Ninety-three percent of businesses generating between $20 million to $100 million in annual sales — the smallest category PYMNTS surveyed — use third-party tools to...

Proactive Dispute Policies Put Merchants, Consumers on Same Page
Proactive Dispute Policies Put Merchants, Consumers on Same Page
September 15, 2022  |  Merchant Innovation

Transaction disputes, by their very nature, are reactive problems for merchants. They don’t exist until a cardholder is dissatisfied or confused about a transaction, setting...

Small and Large Merchants Alike Lose Significant Revenues to Disputed Payments
Small and Large Merchants Alike Lose Significant Revenues to Disputed Payments
August 22, 2022  |  Payment Methods

We might term disputed card transactions the equal opportunity challenge for merchants large and small. And there’s a disconnect between the thought that using homegrown...