Small Business Survival May Hinge on Digital Payment Features 

Tapping The Payments Opportunity In SMB Retail

Nine in 10 shoppers say small businesses play a vital role in their communities, but SMBs must keep up with consumers’ growing digital payment preferences. In this month’s “B2B and Digital Payments Tracker®,” a collaboration with American Express, Andrea Gellert, head of marketing at Clover, explains why SMBs have an urgent need to meet customers where they are on payments.

Inside the January Tracker
  • Andrea Gellert, head of marketing at Clover, shares three questions every SMB should ask about new payment technologies and how merchants can achieve scale for their entire businesses
  • Consumers are increasingly aligning their shopping preferences with the ability to choose their preferred payment options
  • SMBs have a strong ally in consumers, but payment preferences are evolving rapidly and SMBs can leverage consumer goodwill if they meet these preferences

B2B and Digital Payments