Buy Now Pay Later

Buy Now Pay Later
Buy Now Pay Later’s Impact On Mobile Checkout Conversion
January 15, 2020

  Buy Now, Pay Later products had a fantastic 2019 holiday season. Retailers using these payment solutions saw generous sales during shopping holidays like Cyber Monday and Black Friday, and many individual providers of these payment solutions also saw personal growth in their market share...

Buy Now Pay Later
Deep Dive: Keeping Up With Bridge Millennials’ Retail Impact
December 10, 2019

Bridge millennials’ rise is changing the retail ecosystem ahead of the 2019 holiday season, but their impacts will continue to be felt in the year ahead. Bridge millennials are consumers aged 30 to 40 whose shopping and financial preferences straddle Gen X and millennial demographics....

Buy Now Pay Later
Can Buy Now Pay Later Solutions Cut Through The Holiday Noise?
December 09, 2019

U.S. consumers are expected to spend roughly $149 billion online this holiday season — but many are still paying off credit card bills from last year’s splurge. Getting consumers to spend, without making them feel overextended, may require new methods. In the inaugural Buy Now,...

Buy Now Pay Later
Why Installment Payments Are Fashionable This Holiday Season
December 06, 2019

Consumers — especially millennials and Generation Z — are looking for new commerce experiences during the 2019 holiday season. However, they are also hesitant to pay for those new experiences with credit cards or other traditional financing options. Debt from the previous holiday shopping season...