Explainable AI

The Black Box: When AI Calls Shots We Can’t Explain
The Black Box: When AI Calls Shots We Can’t Explain
August 26, 2024  |  artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is making life-altering decisions that even its creators struggle to understand. Black box AI refers to systems that produce outputs or decisions...

Unmasking the Enigma: How Explainable AI Makes Complex Systems Understandable
Unmasking the Enigma: How Explainable AI Makes Complex Systems Understandable
May 20, 2024  |  Artificial Intelligence

Picture this: Your bank denies a loan, but the reasoning behind the decision is a mystery. The culprit? A complex artificial intelligence system that even...

New AI Training Method Boosts Reasoning Skills by Encouraging ‘Inner Monologue’
New AI Training Method Boosts Reasoning Skills by Encouraging ‘Inner Monologue’
March 21, 2024  |  artificial intelligence

To improve artificial intelligence (AI), it might pay to mimic the human brain. Researchers have developed a novel training method called “Quiet-STaR” that improves the...