crypto legislation

Lawmakers Say Crypto Bill Passage Would Be Long Shot for 2024
Lawmakers Say Crypto Bill Passage Would Be Long Shot for 2024
September 01, 2024  |  Cryptocurrency

Will this year see a cryptocurrency bill make it through Congress? There’s a chance, according to a Sunday (Sep. 1) report by Coindesk, though it’s...

Crypto Legislation Could Come This Year, Schumer Tells Crypto4Harris
Crypto Legislation Could Come This Year, Schumer Tells Crypto4Harris
August 15, 2024  |  Cryptocurrency

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer believes crypto legislation could happen this year. Schumer made this comment Wednesday (Aug. 14) at an online event for cryptocurrency insiders who...

Sen. Lummis and Crypto Lobby Petition for Coinbase Suit Dismissal
Sen. Lummis and Crypto Lobby Petition for Coinbase Suit Dismissal
August 13, 2023  |  Cryptocurrency

One of the Senate’s biggest cryptocurrency champions has come to embattled exchange Coinbase’s defense. Sen. Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo., on Friday (Aug. 11) submitted an amicus brief on...

Rep. McHenry: House Crypto Legislation Is Weeks Away
Rep. McHenry: House Crypto Legislation Is Weeks Away
April 30, 2023  |  Cryptocurrency

The head of the House Financial Services Committee expects to soon put forth cryptocurrency legislation. Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., told an audience at CoinDesk’s Consensus...