Brian Armstrong

Coinbase Reports First ‘AI to AI’ Token Purchase
Coinbase Reports First ‘AI to AI’ Token Purchase
September 01, 2024  |  Cryptocurrency

Coinbase says it has seen its first-ever “AI to AI” crypto transaction. In a post on X Friday (Aug. 30), CEO Brian Armstrong said the...

Cryptocurrency Super PACs Among Top Fundraisers for 2024 Elections
Cryptocurrency Super PACs Among Top Fundraisers for 2024 Elections
May 06, 2024  |  Politics

Cryptocurrency sector-backed super political action committees (PACs) have become one of the top three fundraisers in the 2024 election season.  With more than $102 million...

What CFOs Should Know About the Growing Use of Stablecoins
What CFOs Should Know About the Growing Use of Stablecoins
April 30, 2024  |  Cryptocurrency

Stablecoins, as their name implies, offer the benefits of cryptocurrency without the volatility. And with Visa having launched on April 25 the Visa Onchain Analytics Dashboard...

Stablecoins, Unstable Crypto Market Propel Coinbase Profits
Stablecoins, Unstable Crypto Market Propel Coinbase Profits
February 16, 2024  |  Earnings

Renewed investor enthusiasm for crypto has been good news for U.S. cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase. And while 2023 wasn’t the greatest year for crypto, it was no...

Coinbase CEO Says Blockchain and Crypto Are Redefining Payments
Coinbase CEO Says Blockchain and Crypto Are Redefining Payments
November 02, 2023  |  Earnings

Coinbase, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, recently discussed the role of payments in the crypto industry and its plans for the future in the company’s earnings...

Coinbase CEO Criticizes Chase UK Ban on Crypto Transactions
Coinbase CEO Criticizes Chase UK Ban on Crypto Transactions
September 29, 2023  |  Cryptocurrency

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong has reportedly criticized J.P. Morgan Chase’s decision to block crypto-related transactions in its U.K. digital banking subsidiary, Chase UK. Armstrong said that private companies should not...

Coinbase Begins Closing Borrow to Prioritize Other Offerings
Coinbase Begins Closing Borrow to Prioritize Other Offerings
July 21, 2023  |  Cryptocurrency

Coinbase has begun closing Borrow, which allowed customers to borrow using bitcoin as collateral. The firm said in a Thursday (July 20) message on its...

Crypto Prices Continue Falling After SEC Actions
Crypto Prices Continue Falling After SEC Actions
June 12, 2023  |  Cryptocurrency

The fallout from last week’s regulatory actions against the cryptocurrency sector continues to reverberate. As Bloomberg News reported Monday (June 12), crypto prices have continued...

Coinbase CEO Says Retail Investors Remain Committed to Crypto
Coinbase CEO Says Retail Investors Remain Committed to Crypto
May 04, 2023  |  Cryptocurrency

Coinbase, as a stand-in for the U.S. crypto sector, is undoubtedly facing an existential crisis. Still, the U.S.-listed cryptocurrency exchange and self-described “most trusted brand”...