Remote Work Forces Small Businesses to Level up Their Fraud Game

How SMBs Can Fight the Fraud Threats of Remote Work

Nearly nine in 10 companies say remote work has given bad actors a new way to find and exploit weak fraud and security measures, a challenge that SMBs may not be fully prepared to address, Michael Nardy, CEO at Electronic Payments, explains in the “B2B and Digital Payments Tracker®,” a collaboration with American Express.

Inside the March Tracker
  • Michael Nardy, founder and CEO of Electronic Payments, explains why SMBs often must lean on the expertise of a trusted fraud solutions partner to protect the payments they receive.
  • Organizations anticipate more fraud attempts and are responding by spending more on security, including cyber insurance, to mitigate risk.
  • The new security threats come from within and without and takes many forms, which is why more companies must take matters into their own hands to protect themselves.

B2B and Digital Payments